Cell Division.ppt

Posted: July 17, 2012 in Chapter 5: Cell Division
  1. anisnasuhaarif says:

    teacher,faternal twins tu apa??search da kat intenet.tp x phm.

    • cikgu ain says:

      Anis, its “fraternal twins” not “faternal twins”. Basically, twins fall into two groups:

      1) Identical (sometimes called Paternal or Maternal Twins) They’re created from combining one egg and one sperm. After a few days the one embryo will divide and create two identical babies.

      2) Fraternal (sometimes referred to as non-identical twins) are created from two eggs that get fertilized with two separate sperm. Basically they are no more alike than any other brothers and sisters.

      Fraternal twins selalunya adalah kembar x seiras. It happens when an already pregnant woman ovulates and releases another egg. And this egg is then further fertilized by a sperm. Sebab tu jadi x seiras, fraternal twins adalah dari sperm & ovum yang berlainan, unlike maternal twins yang berasal dari ovum n sperm yg sama.

      Clear x explanation cikgu nih?

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